Friday, May 16, 2008

Kick n' Haw

Take that College!
Well, until I get my grades back. Think I will have my ass handed to me.
So really, FU.

I just got done with the final week of school, it was shit, really, finals never make me feel good about myself. I did find a new bike, it was hanging out by the dumpster for about a week, and than someone took it and than I found it in the street. Its pretty beat up... the tire is a little skewed, the front break doesnt work, the chain is pretty rusty, but it has fenders! a leather seat! and some pretty sweet handlebars! We named it "LaTrenda" Its now Jessicas new friend. Though Jessica will always be my main girl. I actually have three bikes, Harold, my mountain bike, which well, is one of my more expensive possessions. Jessica, who you all have already met, and now the new LaTrenda.

I don't know how many of you have gone to riding a road bike to riding a mountain bike, but its like trying to carry a watermelon!

Before leaving school, I stopped to say goodbye to all the horses at the horse rescue. After many broken promises given to us by the horse rescues owners. When we started they said that as a reward we could ride the horses, they also have their own horses on the farm. All winter we worked there, scooping poop in windchill looking foward to the ride in the spring. Once spring came, we asked if today was the day we get to go riding. She told us that none of the horses on the ranch were rideable. (mind you, She and her friends bloat on the web forum that they took out three of the rescues and had a great trail ride) Me bitter? No way.

I still love the horses there. I felt quite loved when I got a full out groom by one of my favorite horses there "Rainy" who is totally blind, and has a few trust issues.
It made most of the problems go away. I havent decided if I am going back to volunteer in the fall or not.

Oh yes, the pictures that are featured in todays post are Jessica, my love (the one with the bike rack and wrapped bars) LaTrenda, my new one. Rainy's Blind eye, and than rainy himself.

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